Activity 12 of our 20 gifts Under $20 series!! This one is for the shopper in your life.
Gift #12 – Matisse Tote Bags
With your All The Colours paint already on hand, you’ll need:
- Canvas Tote - $5 from Spotlight AUS
- Foam sheets - $4.92 from Officeworks Aus
- Small paint roller - $5 from Spotlight Aus
- Glue stick
Total Spend - $15
Step 1
Draw the outline of some shapes onto your foam sheets using a pencil. We went for a marine theme with our totes, but your child could pick any theme that is special to them!
Step 2
Cut out your shapes, and lay them out on the under side of a oven tray. Once they're happy with their layout, use a glue stick to glue them in place.
Step 3
Using their preferred colour or colours, roll the paint onto the the foam shapes.
You can go for a single colour print (as above) or a multi-colour version (as below)!
Step 4
Last of all, line up your tote and in one swift motion, press the canvas tote onto the painted foam shapes. Pat the surface until you're confident the paint has transferred onto the fabric. Little kids may need some help with this step to ensure there is no dragging of the fabric, which will blur their print.
And that's it! Wait until they dry, then fill them up with gorgeous goodies. Just remember not to wash these totes, otherwise the print will wash off.
Happy Creating!