Activity 14 of our '20 gifts Under $20' series!! Is the weather warming up? What better time to gift some picnic fun with a personal touch!
Gift #14 – Pleasant Picnic Tables
With your All The Colours paint already on hand, you’ll need:
- Timber Picnic Table- $15 from Spotlight AUS
- PVA Glue - $3
Step 1
We started by putting a line of tape down the middle to divide the table between artist #1 (my son) and artist #2 (my daughter). I gave the kids lots of options for paint application, such as brushes, leaves, rollers, etc. Both seemed to enjoy using the roller for this one!
Step 2
Let the kids go for it! Encourage them to decorate the table surface with their favourite colours, patterns, shapes and images!
Step 3
My little picassos decided to label each side of table with their own hand prints - I really love this touch! We also decided to paint the edges of our table green to tidy it up a little bit, but this is completely optional. Reminder - if you applied tape down the middle like we did, it's best to remove it while the paint is still wet.
Step 4
Lastly, when the paint is dry, mix up a pot of one quarter PVA glue with three quarters water. Coat the entire painted surface of the table, to protect the art from future picnic spills!
And you're done! Gift this to one lucky picnic enthusiast - perhaps with something special to serve up as well! :)
Happy Creating!