Activity 2 of our '20 gifts Under $20' series!!💰
Reminder - the only art supplies you’ll need on hand for ALL 20 gifts is:
- All The Colours Painter’s Parcel (or kids paint of equal quality)
- Life of Colour Paint Pens (or similar)
Gift #2 – Placements & Coasters
With your paint and paint pens already on hand, you’ll need:
MDF Placemats - $9.99
MDF Coasters - $3.99
Craft Glue - $4
Total Spend = $18
Note - We bought our placemats & coasters from Spotlight Aus.
Step 1
Prime the MDF coasters and placemats if you wish. You can do this with a mix of 20% craft glue & 80% water.
Step 2
Use your All The Colours paints to create wonderful patterns, colour blocks and decorations. Here you can see the approach of a 3 year, 30-something-year old, and 6 year old!
Step 3
When dry, pull out those beautiful paint pens to add extra dimension with patterns and markings. You could even use these to write messages or add illustrations!
Step 4
Pop a top coat sealer on the coasters & placements, with another generous coat of the craft glue mix. This will make sure that your pieces can be wiped down. You can apply this coat with a fine roller from your local hardware store if you don't want any brush marks to be visible.
Step 5
Once dry, wrap them up and gift them to someone super lucky!
Happy Creating!